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时间:2022-06-08 13:55:03 浏览量:




































  我对于美的含义有着自己的理解,能够在生活中发现美,懂得美的真正含义,在穿着上,得体大方,也不失为是一个懂得用美来装点自己的人。我能感受并欣赏生活、自然、艺术和科学中的美,具有健康的审美情趣。在学习之余喜欢听纯音乐和欧美音乐,这不仅没有影响我的学习,而且还使一天紧张的学习得到了放松。我还喜欢摄影,用相机记录下生活中的点点滴滴,为自己的 人生添上浓墨重彩的一笔!


















  有法律意识,公德意识,本人诚实守信,环境意识,自信、自尊、自强、自律、勤奋、有爱心、乐于帮助他人。遵纪守法、诚实守信、维护公德、关心集体。 遵守公共秩序、爱护公物、维护公共设施和公共卫生的情况。乐于参加集体活动,能够为实现集体目标付出努力。 品德优良 善于与他人合作共同完成任务。能评价和约束自己的行为,善于与他人交流和分享,尊重并理解他人。

  品德优秀,有良好的行为习惯学习目的明确,有理想,善于发现提出问题,努力尝试多种方式解决问题,学习态度端正,能主动学习,有强烈的求知欲和好奇心 能有目的的收集与整理使用信息,有独立学习与研究问题的能力,独立思考,合作探究,虚心请教。

  学习态度端正,认真完成作业,学习目的明确 学习目标明确,有理想,与同学能够完美的合作,共同完成学习任务,学习态度端正,学习方法恰当,会从失败中找经验正确认识同伴的优缺点,了解同伴的客观评价,能合理调控自己的情绪约束自己的行为。有科学的保健意识方法,能够尊重同伴观点,理解同伴处境,多交一些知心朋友,融合关系。与同学老师关系融洽 能正确认识自己的优点与不足,自尊,自信,自己做自己能够完成的事,挑战自我,对错误要虚心请教。

  有团队精神,善于与人交流仪表大方,举止文明,去感受生活中的美 具有一定审美能力 具有一定的审美能力,能表现美 能感受到生活中的美 有一定的审美能力聪明伶俐用在我身上一点也不夸张,清纯活泼是我可爱的内在因素。我热爱学习,尊敬师长,劳动积极,对一切新事物充满了好奇,强烈的求知欲为我打开了广阔的知识世界,在浩瀚的知识海洋里,我相信我会用理想为舵辛勤做桨,划向成功的彼岸有适合自己的科学的锻炼方法,有科学的保健意识,身体状况,卫生习惯良好,能够承受一定的压力。

  每天坚持锻炼,正确面对挫折坎坷。 热爱运动,身体健康 有科学的锻炼方法和一定的运动技能。热爱运动,身体健康,心态积极向上。但是,通过三年的学习,我也发现了自己的不足,也就是吃苦精神不够,具体就体现在学习上“钻劲”不够、“挤劲”不够。


  Make full use of time. A person"s time is limited, in a limited time how to take care of their things in an orderly manner is very important. In the course of work, there is work, the main contradiction is to work, not make-up, watching TV, chat, turn a blind eye to work, etc., busy can rest, work sometimes I like to live up, "The fact that this practice will make the work of inefficient, seemingly busy all day, but no results. Time is scarce resources, we young people should know how to effectively use the time to maximize the completion of the work.

  With the passage of time, the increase in work experience, I am also constantly improve themselves. 2012 is a passionate year, in the future work, I will strive to improve their own quality, to overcome the deficiencies, according to the German performance standards four, dedication to do the work, better performance

  Your job responsibilities. In the following direction:

  First, attach great importance to the theoretical knowledge of learning, and constantly strengthen political conviction, to further clarify the purpose of service.

  Actively participate in the organization of the activities, to improve their communication skills, but also hope to participate in the organization of each training. Can work out the characteristics of their own, out of time to learn the relevant documents, reports and business books. Always bear in mind the wholeheartedly for the customer, for the purpose of grass-roots company services, fair and upright, adhere to the principle of faithfully do their jobs.

  Second, co-ordination to strengthen business learning, and continuously improve the ability to work, and actively carry out their own work.Learning no mirror, the rapid development of the times, a variety of disciplines of knowledge with each passing day. I will make unremitting efforts to learn all kinds of insurance knowledge, and used to guide the practice of work. "Expertise in the ground and shortage in the play," in the future work of learning business knowledge, through more, more learning, more practice to continuously improve their business skills.And actively participate in training courses and other opportunities to listen to the guidance of experts to consult experts to learn and improve their operational capacity. Closely around the focus of their work, and actively learn about the economy, politics, science and technology, the latest knowledge of law, and strive to integrate, linking reality. In practical work, the theoretical knowledge, business knowledge and other fresh knowledge combined, broaden their horizons, broaden their thinking, enrich themselves, and strive to adapt to the new situation, new tasks on their own work requirements.

  Third, dry and dry hard work, proactive, and strive to obtain work performance.

  Conscientiously do their work and daily affairs of work, so that the legs, attendance, hand, to assist the leadership to establish and improve the system to maintain a good working order and working environment, so that the management of the increasingly standardized and standardized.Come to receive, from top to bottom communication, internal and external contacts and other types of work to do not prevarication, responsible.

  There is a saying that attitude determines everything, in fact, work, attitude determines the quality of work, work efficiency, job completion rate. No enterprising people, will accomplish nothing. Talent and ability to work in the down-to-earth work in order to fully display, in order to get the appropriate return, the generation of our youth is to give full play to their potential, forge ahead in order to truly realize the personal value of life. Self-evaluation of personal work style








  I think that since school, has been to comply with the rules and regulations of the school, has a good ideological and moral qualities, all aspects of good performance. Have a strong sense of collective sense of honor and work responsibility, adhere to the principle of seeking truth from facts. I think correct, hard-working, have lofty ideals and great goals, pay attention to personal moral self-cultivation, to develop a good style of life, helpful, concerned about national affairs.

  In the past year, I have been diligent study, assiduously, through systematic study to master the more solid basic knowledge. To develop a good learning style, a clear learning objectives, in my spare time, I actively participate in physical exercise, enhance physical fitness, but also love the work, and actively participate in the school to carry out various cultural and sports activities, enriching their spare time, All aspects have been a corresponding increase. "Bao Jianfeng from tempered out, plum blossom from the bitter cold to", I firmly believe that through continuous learning and efforts to make themselves an ideal, moral, cultural, disciplined students, with outstanding achievements to meet the challenges for the community The construction of the doctrine contributes to the strength of my life

  Suddenly, my freshman life is over, and now I own a year of study and life to make a summary:

  On the ideological and moral, I consciously abide by the "Code of Conduct for College Students" and the rules and regulations of the school, respect teachers, unite students, concerned about the collective, and actively participate in school and department activities, law-abiding, good morality, Set a collectivism as the core values of life, and a firm political direction, although I have not joined the party, but I will actively move closer to the party organizations. Have a good moral training, and a firm political direction.I love the motherland, love the people, and resolutely support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, support the socialist system, abide by the law, love public property, unity, helpfulness and pragmatic The courage to criticize and self-criticism, and establish a correct outlook on life and values, so no matter what the circumstances, I have the moral demands of their own to the supremacy of the first, the spirit of the school"s public interest and patriotic activities.Whenever and wherever I follow the dogmatic creed, I do it in earnest. In learning, I love their own professional. In addition to excellence in professional knowledge, I also use spare time to read all kinds of books, to expand their knowledge and background knowledge. Strict demands on themselves, with the strong pursuit of personal goals and knowledge, assiduously, studious, correct attitude, clear objectives, basically a solid grasp of the basic knowledge and skills learned, while the theoretical knowledge applied to Practice, the knowledge into the practical ability, application ability and creativity, and strive to the unity of theory and practice, do a good job learning. Pay attention to the expansion of knowledge in all aspects of a wide range of other disciplines under the knowledge, so as to improve their ideological and cultural quality, to become a good college students and make unremitting efforts.

  In life, to develop good habits, so that life is full and structured, a strict attitude towards life and good living style, honest and trustworthy, helpful, have their own good accident principle, and students live in harmony; positive To participate in various extra-curricular activities, which continue to enrich their experience.

  In the psychological, I exercise a strong will quality, shape healthy personality, overcome various psychological barriers to meet the social development requirements. This year"s university life, so that my level of knowledge, ideological level, the ability to work, etc. have stepped onto a new level. In this sophomore beautiful university life began, I want to full of enthusiasm, firm confidence, a high sense of responsibility to meet new challenges, climb new heights. In life, I honest and trustworthy, treat people friendly, helpful, has been with the students get along well. Strong sense of responsibility, good organizational communication skills, and students solidarity, pay attention to with other student cadres to complete the work.

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